Like any challenge, the more you prepare for your open water swim the more enjoyment you will get out of it. Follow our simple tips to make sure you enjoy training for Swim Serpentine and have a great time on Swim Day.
Smart open water swimming
Do: practise in the pool to gain fitness
Do: swim in open water to gain confidence and experience
Do: start training now!
Do: make sure you have a safe place to enter and exit the water, make a note of where you have started from, look for landmarks that will be visible from the water.
Do: wear a bright coloured hat so you are more visible when swimming.
Do: use a tow-float, this increases your visibility to boat users and other swimmers, if you get cramp you can hold onto it. There are dry bag versions so you can take your car keys or clothes with you (see below).
Do: try out your gear before you swim
Don’t: swim in open water in a remote or dangerous place! Find out the safest spots from local swimmers
Don’t: swim alone – have a buddy for moral and safety support
Be prepared for outdoor swimming
It’s important to make sure you have everything you need to swim happily and safely. Before you start open water swimming, we recommend visiting our partners Outdoor Swimmer magazine and Zone3 to check out the latest gear and accessories.